NYX Pump It Up Lip Plumper, Liv, 0.28-Ounce
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NYX Pump It Up Lip Plumper, Liv, 0.28-Ounce Details & Features
NYX , Boost your lips to its fullest shape and size with our pump it up lip plumper. Our pump it up lip plumpers come in 5 assorted colors and each shade acknowledges well known sensual celebrity lips such as angelina jolie and scarlett johansson, along with plenty other desirable famous vixens. With one swipe of the pump it up lip pumper, your lips begin to tingle and the transformation from thin to full will occur instantly! ...
Here are some of the great features of NYX Pump It- Injection-free, heavy duty lip plumper for luscious lips
- Tingly sensation when applied like spicy chili
- Boost lips to its fullest shape and size
Best Deals NYX Pump It. Best Deals NYX Pump It Up Lip Plumper, Liv, 0.28-Ounce Reasonable Price. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Just a few more days to SAVE!.