Transformes Prime 6" Action Figure Deluxe Class (2011 Wave 1) - Arcee First Edition
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This Transformes Prime 6" is available at Amazon for a special price. Click this link to take advantage of this offer!
Transformes Prime 6" Action Figure Deluxe Class (2011 Wave 1) - Arcee First Edition Details & Features
, From the new Transformers Prime cartoon. ARCEE is an accomplished, street smart and powerful fighter with little patience for those who don't know their way around a battlefield. Luckily, BUMBLEBEE is as skilled as any other warrior in the AUTOBOT army. Set loose on the streets of the big city with their human partners Raf and Jack, they're an unstoppable team in the defense of the planet. ...
Here are some of the great features of Transformes Prime 6"- Manufacturer: Hasbro
- Category: Transformes Prime
- Name: Arcee
- Series: Deluxe Class (2011 Wave 1)
- Size: 6 Inch
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