Looking for GREATE DEALS & BEST BUY on Sonus Acrylic Spritz Quick Detail Spray 16.9 oz. ? You are in the right place to get Cheapest Sonus Acrylic Spritz. You can compare prices and read reviews on Sonus Acrylic Spritz here.
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Here are some of the great features of Sonus Acrylic Spritz Quick Detail Spray 16.9 oz.
Sonus SON-200, Sonus Acrylic Spritz is a quick detailing spray that maintains your car's "just-waxed" sparkle and shine between washes. Formulated to work with Klasse, CarLack and other German acrylic sealants, Sonus Acrylic Spritz works great with all wax products, producing a shine other detail sprays can't touch. When used with a quality microfiber buffing towel, Sonus Acrylic Spritz safely removes light dust, water spots and finger prints, leaving a slick, high gloss finish.
- Designed specifically to maintain the Klasse acrylic protected finish.
- Use between washes for dusting & light cleaning.
- Use after washing to remove water spots & restore full shine.
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